World of Warcraft Roleplay
Parthene Tianfang Talonwing
Parthene Tianfang Talonwing image1
Parthene and Snowstorm
Vital statistics
Gender Female
Race Night Elf Mutation (see below)
Faction Neutral
Status Suicidal


First of all, let's talk about her heratige. Her great-great grandmother on her mother's side, Oria, was a druid. She was a talented alchemist, but a potion went wrong and she was trapped in cat form. Resigned to her fate, she bred with a male Nightsaber named Flashfang. She gave birth to a night elf with fangs, a tail, and swiveling ears. She was called Koralae. She married Serazar, another druid who respected her animalistic charictaristics and the had a child called Orenthos, who also has a tail and fangs. Orenthos later met Moriala, yet another druid, and had Parthene's mother, Jaesmin.

Parthene's great-great grandmother on her father's side was a red dragon. Yes, you heard me. She was called Tianastrasza and had incredible healing powers. She was young at the time and wanted a taste of mortal life. So, she turned herself into a blood elf and ventured to Silvermoon City, where she met Koliar. They had a child named Raenion. He had red-tinted skin, and a dragon's eyes. Koliar, not knowing what Tianastrasza was, died of shock. Tianastrasza put Raenion to be fostered and went to be a dragon at the temple, regretting her decision of trying to live as a mortal. Raenion, despite his ugliness, met Sulatria and they fell in love after he saved Sulatria from a rampaging dragonhawk. They had a child called Korithian, who likewise had the reddish skin and the dragon's eyes. Korithian met a lovely woman called Reyssa when he was riding his charger and they were married. They had Kai'ren , who just had the eyes of his ancestor.

One day, Jaesmin was scouting in the Eversong Woods and saved Kai's life from a wild lynx. Kai, being fairly fluent in common managed a "thank you" and they clicked. After a secret wedding at the Light's Hope Chapel, they moved to Ashenvale, where they lived outside Astranaar with the permission of the Sentinels. A week later, Kai brought two orphaned tauren from the Barrens to the house, which they adopted. The children were called Kona and Kora. Although Kai and Jaesmin were happy, they wanted a child of their own blood. They had Parthene, (Pronounced PAR-then-ay) a girl with four kinds of blood. She had the teeth of a cat, the magic advantage of the Blood Elves, Tianastrasza's healing and fighting abilities, and the outer resemblance of a Night Elf. (See why I said Mutant?) She lived happily with her family until she reached the human equivalent of twelve years old. An army of death knights led by Arthas marched on Astranaar, bringing their Necropolis with them. The whole family was killed, including Parthene, who was raised as a Death Knight, despite her young age. She probably impressed Arthas when she improvised by hitting him in the face with a frying pan.

Parthene made ten escape attempts between the ages of 300 and 420. Each time, she was caught. By the fifth escape, Arthas knew of her draconic magic. Her mental barriers wer crushed and she was imprisoned in a dark room, probably a broom closet, for years on end. During her imprisonment, she found a peice of saronite which she moulded into a cat and, for reasons unknown, sprang to life as a solid-saronite killer-cat. Saronitia, the cat, helped her with her next five escape attempts. By the time she had her deathcharger, now called Neptune, she had had enough. She wildly charged at Arthas at the first chance she got, when he called her up for another chance. She, Neptune, and Saronitia, all lived to tell the tale, although Parthene lost her ears and suffered a grave wound on her chest. The second before she would have been killed, she was accidentally summoned to Elwynn forest by a clutzy Warlock who was aiming for Light's Hope Chapel. She created a panic, but after an explanation and a healing potion, she moved into Stormwind City, where she spies for her people. Her full name is derived from her animal ancestors and her parent's names. Tianfang, Tianastrasza and Flashfang, and Talonwing, from Jaesmin Talonwhisper and Kai'ren Sunwing.

Pre-Undeath Trauma

A few days after Parthene entered Stormwind, she joined the Ebon Command, a group of death knights. She found friends there and one time, the Command marched in two rows of three into the Cathedral, where they waged war on the Scarlet March and their Commmander stabbed the altar. Insults flew at them like the tomatoes Parthene would throw at the Scarlets in her spare time.


The Ebon Command before marching on the Cathedral

Several weeks later, the Command we disbanded. They had lost many members and there were only about five left. Their General felt he had failed and disbanded them, despite various protests. The Commander who stabbed the altar attempted to bring them back, renaming them the Ebon Legion. They lasted only a few weeks and, as Parthene says, "shriveled up patheticly". However, she misses all the members of her first guild. The day the Ebon Legion was disbanded, she screamed and had a minor heart attack. Now, Parthene has joined another order. She still watches for her friends and particularly the General who disbanded them and plans to give him a peice of her mind. She isn't finished with him yet.


None of your buisness. I will let you know she is allergic to holy magic, alchohol, dairy products, and has a peeve for swear words. She hates gnomes and dwarves.


"Shut up and let me heal you." Healing quote said often.

"Eclipse-Tian! Where are you?" Calling for Tianastrasza.

"Arghoooo!!!" A howl is generally a greeting, a call for help, a warning, or any other sign. She was inspired by the forest wolves.


Being the human equivalent of 18, she's feisty and has frequent mood swings. She rarely follows orders unless the commander has earned her respect. This happens subtly, but she's devoted. She is always into spying on various sinister orders for the heck of it. She's also not above giving a full-plated man a crotch-kick, but also has a caring heart and will defend her friends with her it is. She's also annoyingly logical sometimes and carries a pocket dictionary.

When fighting, she tries to not wear plate because she can't move as well. She also hates heavy weapons, so she sticks to one-handed swords, her fists, and her teeth. She moves quickly like a cat stalking and will pounce unairingly on her prey, tending to notice their smell and memorize it. She is also quite paranoid. One thing she really hates is the war. After her family experiences, she believes all are equal in the eyes of whatever gods there are.


Parthene inherited enhanced smell and hearing from Flashfang and Tianastrasza. With a scent sample, she can track down a quarry like a hunting dog. She also has the magic of Tianastrasza, which is heightened by her blood elf heratige and their magic strengths. She can do most types of healing, including ressurections, although it leaves her tired. She is also an Archerus Equestrian and a lawyer. She is also practicing controling fire, but can only change the color of the fire which she finds is, "as pathetic as this war we're in right now."

Parthene's Possible Child

Recently, Parthene's father's stepsister, Mosetta, is possibly giving birth to twins soon. However, a seer told Mosetta she would die giving birth. Parthene said she would take one of the children and Mosetta's cousin's brother twice-removed will take the other. Parthene would, but she really can't take care to two babies. Stay tuned for an update.
