World of Warcraft Roleplay

Sporeggar (EU)

The Sporeggar server is one of the newest servers with the RP-PvP policy. It was launched around the time The Burning Crusade was released, hence it’s booming blood-elf population. Also see the Wowpedia-azeroth-symbol Sporeggar Europe server article at Wowpedia-azeroth-symbol Wowpedia.

Come on down and co-ordinate events, find guilds and smack talk at the Official Sporeggar (Europe) Forum.

Un-official Sporeggar Wiki.


RP servers in WoW

English-speaking (en-gb) RP servers; Last updated 28-Jul-2024.
Europe (en)
RP: Argent Dawn (EU), Darkmoon Faire (EU), Earthen Ring (EU), Moonglade (EU), The Sha'tar (EU), Steamwheedle Cartel (EU)
RP-PVP: Defias Brotherhood (EU), Ravenholdt (EU), Scarshield Legion (EU), Sporeggar (EU), The Venture Co. (EU)
RP: Argent Dawn (US), Blackwater Raiders (US), Cenarion Circle (US), Earthen Ring (US), Farstriders (US), Feathermoon (US), Kirin Tor (US), Moon Guard (US), Scarlet Crusade (US), Sentinels (US), Shadow Council (US), Silver Hand (US), Sisters of Elune (US), Steamwheedle Cartel (US), The Scryers (US), Thorium Brotherhood (US), Wyrmrest Accord (US)
RP-PVP: Emerald Dream (US), Lightninghoof (US), Maelstrom (US), Ravenholdt (US),
The Venture Co. (US), Twisting Nether (US)

German-speaking (de) RP servers; Last updated 28-Jul-2024.
Europe (de)
RP or RP-PvP: Das Konsortium (EU), Das Syndikat (EU), Der Mithrilorden (EU), Der Rat von Dalaran (EU), Der abyssische Rat (EU), Die Aldor (EU), Die Arguswacht (EU), Die Nachtwache (EU), Die Silberne Hand (EU), Die Todeskrallen (EU), Die ewige Wacht (EU), Forscherliga (EU), Kult der Verdammten (EU), Todeswache (EU), Zirkel des Cenarius (EU)
French-speaking (fr) RP servers; Last updated 28-Jul-2024.
Europe (fr)
RP or RP-PvP: Confrérie du Thorium (EU), Conseil des Ombres (EU), Culte de la Rive noire (EU), Kirin Tor (EU), La Croisade écarlate (EU), Les Clairvoyants (EU), Les Sentinelles (EU)
Other info
  • Italian (EU), Russian (U), Spanish (EU), Korea, and Taiwan locales do not have RP servers at this time.