World of Warcraft Roleplay
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Welcome to World of Warcraft Roleplay

WoWRP is a collaborative writing project to build a comprehensive resource for role-play in Blizzard's popular World of Warcraft massive multiplayer online role-playing game. With your edits, we're able to create a free resource that benefits the role-playing community. WoWRP on Fandom was opened January 25th, 2009 and currently contains 1,107 articles written, edited, and maintained by our community. Please join us by contributing an article today or by expanding one of the existing articles, or you can even add your own characters, stories and pictures. And remember, registration is free!

Contents   (view all pages)

Community links
Administration links

The Path links


RP servers in WoW

English-speaking (en-gb) RP servers; Last updated 28-Jul-2024.
Europe (en)e
RP: Argent Dawn (EU), Darkmoon Faire (EU), Earthen Ring (EU), Moonglade (EU), The Sha'tar (EU), Steamwheedle Cartel (EU)
RP-PVP: Defias Brotherhood (EU), Ravenholdt (EU), Scarshield Legion (EU), Sporeggar (EU), The Venture Co. (EU)
RP: Argent Dawn (US), Blackwater Raiders (US), Cenarion Circle (US), Earthen Ring (US), Farstriders (US), Feathermoon (US), Kirin Tor (US), Moon Guard (US), Scarlet Crusade (US), Sentinels (US), Shadow Council (US), Silver Hand (US), Sisters of Elune (US), Steamwheedle Cartel (US), The Scryers (US), Thorium Brotherhood (US), Wyrmrest Accord (US)
RP-PVP: Emerald Dream (US), Lightninghoof (US), Maelstrom (US), Ravenholdt (US),
The Venture Co. (US), Twisting Nether (US)
German-speaking (de) RP servers; Last updated 28-Jul-2024.
Europe (de)e
RP: Der Mithrilorden (EU), Der Rat von Dalaran (EU), Die Aldor (EU), Die Nachtwache (EU), Die Silberne Hand (EU), Die ewige Wacht (EU), Forscherliga (EU), Todeswache (EU), Zirkel des Cenarius (EU)
RP-PVP: Das Konsortium (EU), Das Syndikat (EU), Der abyssische Rat (EU), Die Arguswacht (EU), Die Todeskrallen (EU), Kult der Verdammten (EU)
French-speaking (fr) RP servers; Last updated 28-Jul-2024.
Europe (fr)e
RP: Confrérie du Thorium (EU), Kirin Tor (EU), Les Clairvoyants (EU), Les Sentinelles (EU)
RP-PVP: Conseil des Ombres (EU), Culte de la Rive noire (EU), La Croisade écarlate (EU)
Other info
  • Italian (EU), Russian (U), Spanish (EU), Korea, and Taiwan locales do not have RP servers at this time.

What's new on World of Warcraft Roleplay

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28-Jul-2024 - Updating main page
Yikes! An update after almost 10 years?
18-Nov-2015 - Updating frontpage
Holy sh*t! We've just updated the design...

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